CURRY final conference March 2022

Monday 28 March 2022, at 10:00 a.m. (with registration of participants at 9:30 am), at the Conference Room of Palazzo Virgilio Hotel – Brindisi, the final conference of the CURRY Project – Content Curation at school: tools and methodologies for teachers will take place.

Aimed at providing teachers with tools, procedures and methodological guidelines to carry out Content Curation activities at school in order to enhance the digital skills necessary for the acquisition of innovative skills and professionalism – the Project is funded by the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Commission and is oriented to support educational practice through the development of innovative research approaches.

Project coordinator is the I.I.S.S. “E. Majorana “in Brindisi in partnership with schools in Belgium, Estonia, France, Italy, Spain and, for Italy, with IC Bozzano school in Brindisi and the research institute Learning Community in Rome.

The program of the Conference  includes the presentation of the results achieved in the presence of city, provincial and regional authorities, sector experts, cultural associations, journalists, teachers and stakeholders. The event will be also attended by a delegation of students involved in the final activity of the Project, who will illustrate their work.

The event will take place in full compliance with anti-Covid regulations.





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