Lab Days Estonia

The lab days represent the experimental step of the Teachers’ Handbook produced by the CURRY project. In lab days, teachers and learners test Teaching Activities, to evaluate their effectiveness and reproducibility.


Date and place of the Lab Day 11th of March 2022, Kadrina Keskkool
Name of teachers Liina Suurkivi, Kristi Aimla-Maripuu
Number of students participants 23
Age/class 8-9  years old – class 2
Title of the activity Tervisliku eluviisi põhimõtted (Principles of a healthy lifestyle – game and presentation)
Language Estonian
Duration 2 hours

Work steps

  • To start the activity, we attracted the attention by asking questions from the Estonian database of twisted issues.
  • Creating a thematic word cloud in the AnswerGarden
  • View and discuss “What to eat?” from the Heureka ERR archive.
  • Create teams.
  • Get to know the LearningApps environment and create your own in teams by following the instructions.
  • Loading the game into Padlet.
  • Introducing games to other teams.
  • Creating a concept map to summarize a topic in Coggle.

Positive elements

Students were engaged and enjoyed the topic; they enjoyed working with the tablets. Students liked to work in teams and to look to the other’s team’s results.

Critical elements

Little bit difficult to use LearningApps at that age. Insufficient digital skills.


The activity itself is enjoyable, but probably more suitable for older students.


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