Lab Days Italy – IC Bozzano

The lab days represent the experimental step of the Teachers’ Handbook produced by the CURRY project. In lab days, teachers and learners test Teaching Activities, to evaluate their effectiveness and reproducibility.

Lab Days Italy – IC Bozzano

LAB DAYS Primary School:
Date and place of the Lab Day

11th february 2022 – Funny lab in the primary school building of C.I. Bozzano, Brindisi

Name of teachers

Maggiore Anna (Civics), Natali Anna Rita (Science), Oliva Serena (Support teacher)

Number of students participants 21
Age/class 9-10 years old – level 4th
Title of the activity Let’s learn to research in safety: The plants of our territory
Language Italian
Duration 3 hours


Work steps

The lab day took place in two main phases.
First of all, there was a collective lesson in civics education for the entire class in the classroom, talking about the internet, digital school, security and finally about the secure website RicercheMaestre, which contains a vast amount of resources preselected as suitable for primary school pupils. They can therefore use this tool for assigned school research.
The second phase was the division of pupils into two groups: one in the classroom to deepen these topics through brain storming and expressive artistic activities; the other in the funny lab, where children explored the search engine and worked in pair to test their knowledge and do a research. The two groups took turns in the two activities.
The funny lab is equipped with a small number of PCs and iPads with internet connection, as well as a lim with projector.
The decision to divide the class to work in the funny lab was due to the anti-covid rules in Italian schools. In compliance with the anti-covid rules, one pupil was connected from home.
Peer learning methodology proved useful to involve pupils with special educational needs.


Download the researches produced by the students

Positive elements

The children experimented the use of multimedia means other than play. They have discovered a more engaging method of study that’s closer to their reality. It was gratifying to see their enthusiasm and their commitment.

Critical elements

Critical elements concern the organization of such a lesson, since it’s certainly more profitable both for teachers and pupils to work in pairs, dividing the class: PCs are not always sufficient for large classes.


We think it could be useful to extend the time for this activity and repeat the experience for a few consecutive days, and several times in a school year.


LAB DAYS Lower secondary school: 
Date and place of the Lab Day

10/03/2022 – 11/03/2022 – Lower Secondary School “Caduti di Marzabotto”

Name of teachers

Petruccelli Caterina (Italian – History – Geography), Rodi Gabriela (Support Teacher)

Number of students participants 10
Age/class 13 years old – level 3rd
Title of the activity Fantafavolando su Padlet: l’Egitto (Fantafavolando on Padlet: Egypt)
Language Italian
Duration 4 hours


Work steps

The class, made up of students for the most part not very curious and unwilling to carry out an in-depth and effective study, was penalized by the Covid – 19 pandemic which prevented laboratory activities and group work.

The activity was carried out in two phases:

  • first phase (1h): the teacher presented the Geography laboratory activity and presented the ‘Padlet’ application through a video tutorial;
  • second phase (3 h): the students, stimulated by a brain storming activity, identified 10 fundamental aspects of Egypt in order to present and describe the country in a complete way. Subsequently, one aspect was assigned to each pupil.

Padlet work was created by the teacher and shared with students via the link posted on Classroom.

Subsequently, the students, in the Computer Lab, connected to the shared Padlet and started looking for material related to the aspect assigned to them: original or remixed content, images and / or videos.

Through the ‘Learning by doing’ methodology, all students, including one with special educational needs, worked with considerable concentration and commitment, managing to complete the work on schedule and satisfactorily producing what was required of them.

 Positive elements

  • The use of technologies;
  • Working in synergy: each pupil has been instructed to take care of a specific section of the Padlet; in this way the work of each one has contributed to the good realization of the final product.

Negative elements

The weak internet connection slowed down the work of searching and loading content.



We think it can be useful to propose this activity also to the first and second grades, changing the subject and experimenting with other applications.






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