Starter Kit

Start here for an overview of Content Curation


To allow you to orient yourself on the concept and tools of Content Curation we have prepared a Starter Kit: interactive materials that you can quickly consult.
Here you can find useful information and materials to better understand what Content Curation is: its meaning, the different ways in which it can be implemented, the main models, procedures and the most popular online tools.

NEW! Now you can watch the videos about the Starter  Kit, published on this page and on the Youtube channel of the CURRY project!


What is Content Curation?

Information overload
Participatory Culture
The DIKW Pyramid
Seek-Sense-Share and the 5 Cs
5 Content Curation Models
Find information on the web
Verify the reliability
Tags and Folksonomy
The curator as information chemist

Content Curation Competences
Using web applications
Popular Tools
Educational aspects
Curation Revolutionizes Education & Learning
Tips for starting
Develop critical thinking

 Starter Kit printable version

Watch the videos


1. What is content curation?



2. Find, filter and classify information


3. Content Curation in practice





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